Open Days

January 27 and 30, 2024


Find your dream faculty!

Do you enjoy science and mathematics? Do you long for a scientific career? Do you dream of becoming a recognized professional in your field? Or do you want to teach the next generation of high school students? Then the MU Faculty of Science is right for you!

Come on Saturday 27 or Tuesday 30 January 2024! You will visit our state-of-the-art laboratories and meet your future teachers. You will learn more about entrance exams and how to avoid them.

The program awaits you in both campuses of our faculty – in the center of Brno at Kotlářská 2 (physics, geology, geography and mathematics) and in the modern university campus in Brno Bohunice (anthropology, biochemistry, experimental biology, chemistry and botany and zoology).

Lectures will be held in Czech. Therefore, please find the program in the Czech version of the website, as well as the registration form.

Program Registration


Virtual tours and videos

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